Arnhemse Meisjes -Dancetheatre performance 'see me notice you'

Nowadays, staying in contact with one another has never been so easy. Even with people living on the other side of the world. But how does it work with the people around us in our daily-life? When the eyes meet ? The Arnhemse Meisjes and live musician Rosine Langbroek explore the meaning of being in direct contact, in these times where we are 24/7 "connected" with each other. This piece is not intended as a pretty image, it rather aims to create a real-experience performance which touches everyone differently. 

With their site-specific performance, the Arnhemse Meisjes and Rosine Langbroek bring the artistic and poetic quality of contemporary dance out of the theatre setting, into the public. They make the distance between the stage and the audience disappear completely.

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